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Apostle Bradford
"We have let people talk us out of our position of who we are. I come to remind you that the anointing has never left you"

As We yield ourselves in worship
With hands lifted up and our mouths filled with praise.

Pastor Whitmore
"I'm sorry people can't recognize you because you are not on front street. For this is the season of manifested blessings"

Anaysha Figueroa-Cooper
It doesn't matter how you feel, speak over yourself and encourage yourself in the Lord

Praise Team
Incredible God, deserve incredible praise!

Pastor Kay Doss
"The Lord said I'm going to manifest myself right in the middle of you and when He shows up there will be intimacy"

Apostle Anthony & Lady Patricia Bradford with
Alexis Spight
Sharing a time of fellowship

Pastor Wayne Doss
"Every situation is not the same, God has to reduce some things so he can build some thing to manifest His glory"
Empowerment Clinic 2018
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